Category Archives: Business Management

4 Can’t Miss Steps To Confidently Get Prospects To Yes!!

Getting your ideal clients engaged on the phone with you in a sales conversation is a must have part of your business building strategy.

I bet that if I asked 100 entrepreneurs what, other than marketing, makes YES PINKthem nervous and fearful, they’d say sales.  As in closing the sale.  Yes. The thought of asking people to pay you for your services is hard for you.

I use to feel the same way, but then I heard something that changed everything for me:  It’s as honorable to sell as it is to buy.

Unless you get comfortable in knowing that it’s as honorable to sell as it is to buy, you won’t get to help more people. Period.

I can give you the mechanics of how to close the sale effortlessly but you have to have the mindset that supports that you are more than enough, fully qualified and ready to serve others through your gifts and talents.  And more than anything you are deserving of each client you attract. Without a personal belief that you can and will bring transformation to your prospective client, there’s not much I can tell you.

You also need a process in place that allow you to have sales conversations with prospects who has self selected him/her self as an ideal client for you.  The best clients are those who find you because they have the problem that you are known to solve and they resonate with you and feel that they can get value and transformation from you. There are a few ways that you can get prospects to self select.  By being able to clearly highlight who they would say that they are, what they are struggling with and what they need to stop struggling, they can read the description and easily say, “yes, this is me.”  Or “no, I need to keep looking.”

Then you want to give them pre-requisites to establish their commitment level.  Take it from me; no one wants to work with clients who aren’t committed to doing the work and getting the results.  NO ONE. So, the way to gauge their commitment level is to ensure that BEFORE they talk with you, they have a few things they need to do.  This will also help you to see how they are going to be as clients. You can decide what these things are, but make them good and relevant to working with you.

In addition to mindset you MUST have a clear closing the sale conversation flow that works.  Yes, I said one that works.  There are so many ways you can handle this conversation but you better make sure that you have at least these 4 phases so that at the end you are welcoming a new client.  I have used this format and I teach it to my clients and collectively we enjoy a 90% closing rate of welcoming new clients:

  • Step 1: Build Rapport
  • Step 2: Confidently Take Control and  Establish Expectations
  • Step 3: Discover the Cost of the Problem
  • Step 4: Transition from problem to possibility
  • Step 5: Offer your solution

To Recap Here are the 4 Things YOU MUST have in Place to CONFIDENTLY Get Prospects to YES!


To close the sale is as much mindset as it is skill.  You have to tap into your confidence and self-esteem and recognize that YOU are the right fit for them to get the transformation that they need.






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All we ask is that you use this byline:

Shameca Tankerson is Founder of Stiletto Wealth Society, a global community Dedicated to Empowering Women Entrepreneurs To  Get Bold and use Breakthrough Business Strategies to Uncover their Flow Factor™, Gain Confidence they can Cash In,  and leverage it to Build an Amazing Life and Business.

She is passionate about empowering women who find themselves playing small and are deeply and secretly scared of showing up as POWERFULDYNAMIC,  and CONFIDENT to courageously own “who they be” and leverage it!

3 Reasons Your Confidence Is In The B.A.G.

If your goals don’t scare you, they’re not BIG Enough!!!

goal so big

The ultimate reason for setting goals is to entice you to become the person it takes to achieve them!

The problem is most entrepreneurs don’t dream big enough. Instead they settle for less or take the safe route.  Big  goals give you focus, focus gives you power, power gives you



Accomplishing Big goals is also great boost for confidence,self esteem and energy levels.

I want to share three reasons greater confidence lies in setting goals…  but not just any goals but… “Big” goals.  I’m talking about big, audacious, scary-looking goals.

Why Your Confidence Is In The Big Audacious Goals:

1. Big Goals Stretch You

A goal of losing 10 pounds this month will stretch you more than a goal of losing 1 pound this month.  Likewise a goal of earning $10,000 this month will stretch you more than a goal of earning $100. Why?  …Because big goals “ask” more of you, and inevitably you give them more in return!

Big goals pull you out of your comfort zone, which is the only place success occurs.

When you get out of your comfort zone, then you’re able to make progress; little goals do not provide you with such luxuries.

Big goals have the power to pull you forward faster!

2. Big Goals Inspire You

A goal of losing 10 pounds this month will inspire you more than a goal of losing 1 pound.  There’s nothing inspiring about losing 1 pound.  You won’t look any different if you lose 1 pound; you won’t feel any different if you lose 1 pound.

The same goes for earning money in your business.  A goal of making $10,000 this month will inspire you more than a goal of making $100.  Am I right or am I right?

Little goals just aren’t inspiring. 

But Big Audacious Goals inspire, big goals give you a vision, they allow you to imagine the possibilities, they motivate you!

I can imagine what it would feel like to lose 10 pounds, I can see in my mind, I can visualize how I will look, and this vision gives me the inspiration to achieve the goal.

3. Big Goals Reveal Your Weaknesses as Well as Your Strengths

A goal of creating $10,000 more in your business this month will reveal more of your weaknesses, and show more of your strengths, than a goal of creating $100 more this month.

Tell me more…

“Big goals” reveal where you struggle!  Why?  Because they force you to move quickly, and when you try to move quickly towards a goal, you begin to learn what’s holding you back.

As an example…If you’re trying to create $10,000 more in your business this month, you will quickly see that spending all day on social media and  offering your service for $150 isn’t a great idea.  Why?  Because you will be looking for and expecting results more quickly, therefore you will analyze your actions with much greater scrutiny, until you arrive at a meaningful conclusion.

When you go after “big goals,” the process puts a spotlight on your weaknesses…

…Big goals will reveal weaknesses in your strategy.

Additionally, big goals will show you your strengths.  If I’m trying to create $10,000 this month versus $100 , I’m more apt to notice what things I’m doing well.

When you know your strengths, you can exploit them to your benefit…another luxury that little goals don’t provide you with.

Take Action:

1. Choose one goal you want to celebrate completing 30 days from now.

Make it:

  • Bold
  • Specific
  • Realistic

Examples of my client’s Bid Audacious Goals are:

  • Getting 10 new speaking gigs scheduled
  • Launching a new high ticket ($1,000 or more)  program or package,
  • Getting 5 new clients
  • Making $10,000 a month

Did you notice how specific these goals were? If yours starts out with the words
“more” or “some,”  that Won’t  work!!! Get crystal clear and pinpoint exactly what you want to accomplish.

You do NOT need to know HOW you are going to reach your big goal!
If you focus on the “how” you WILL get stuck. Decide what you want to
accomplish . The how can wait for now. I promise it will work.

2.  Write down your Big Audacious Goal on paper

On a separate piece of paper, write your Bold Goal starting with the
phrase, “I am a commitment to: ______”.

3. Now brainstorm all the ways you can reach your Big Audacious Goal

I often ask my clients in brainstorming sessions to generate income, “What’s the fastest way to generate $100,000?”  They undoubtedly start rambling off all of the ways based on their current services…..

Sell 1000 of this, 50 of this, or 100 of that…..I stop them and say think outside the box.  The fastest way to make $100,000 is to sell a product, service, or program for $100,000…BAM!  it’s that easy, right?

So make your list of 50 ways you can accomplish you goal and don’t stop until you hit 50….The magic happens around 20 when you creativity opens up!

Take a walk on the wild side, GET COURAGEOUS, and dip your toe in the unthinkable. What would you be prepared to do if you knew you couldn’t fail? Be adventurous and identify all the ways you could maximize your chances of your succeeding.

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All we ask is that you use this byline:

Shameca Tankerson is Founder of Stiletto Wealth Society, a global community Dedicated to Empowering Women Entrepreneurs with Bold Breakthrough Business Strategies to Uncover their Flow Factor™, Gain Confidence they can Cash In,  and leverage it to Create an Amazing Life and Business.

She is passionate about empowering women who find themselves playing small and are deeply and secretly scared of showing up as POWERFULDYNAMIC,  and CONFIDENT to courageously own “who they be” and leverage it!

5 Confidence Crushing Pricing Mistakes That Are Costing You Big Time!

Your pricing is your announcement to the world of your confidence in your self-worth-nosalestodayskill-set.

So Why do so many of us struggle with putting a dollars sign on the value of our services?…

Most people make several mistakes when setting a price for their services or programs.

Mistake #1.  Add up the costs of delivering what they sell and add only a small fee (for themselves) on the top of that.

Mistake #2.  They figure out how many hours they will need to work to deliver the service and simply set the price based on that.

Mistake #3.  They look at what everyone else is charging and set their price roughly in the same ball-park.

Mistake #4.  They create a new product, program or service, outline or create the content, then jump straight to pulling a price out of thin air.

Big mistake!

Not one of those methods accounts for the value of the impact your working with the client will have on them; how they will be better off after using your services.

Huge Mistake #5.   Talking yourself out of client’s paying you and assuming that you can’t charge more than a certain – usually pretty low – amount for what you do and that your audience won’t pay more because…

… Because that’s how things are in your market, area, city….yada-yada-yada!
… Because nobody charges more for this kind of work!
… Because nobody makes a lot of money in your line of business.

Etc., etc…. blah, blah, blah! You add your own “excuse” to this list!

Confidence Boosting Pricing Secret Sauce…

Many entrepreneurs provide only one option for prospective clients and prospects can take it or leave it.

Let’s be clear, most people will leave it and that will leave you feeling inadequate and unsure of you ability to effectively offer the results you know in your heart that you can offer.

I don’t want that for you. Today, I’m clear that you’ve got to offer options so your clients can find a place to fit into to solve the problem they have using your products, services and systems.

If you want to attract more prospects and turn them into clients who pay, you’ve got to give them a few different options – people LOVE options because they feel like they are in control of the buying decision.

When I began to offer a few different options, I began to sign up more and more clients for my programs and I know you can get excited at the thought of doing the same.

Here’s  my #1 Confidence Boosting Pricing Recommendation:

Offer different price points of service so there is one for every budget. BAM!

Every business has three types of customers: customers who want discounts, regular folks, and customers who want the red carpet treatment.

When you add a red carpet option, you’ll find that most people will avoid it. You’ll also find that people will avoid your cheapest option, too.


When people buy products and services they avoid the extremes (the cheapest and most expensive) and settle for the middle ground.

All you’re really doing is ensuring that your pricing caters to each customer segment.  That way, my lovelies,  no matter which option they choose, it’s okay!

Here’s Confidence Boosting Pricing Recommendation #2

You want to use a clear process that reliably uncovers exactly what your unique brand of transformation is worth to your clients… and what it’s worth to YOU!

  • The transformation that your clients want in their lives – the results!
  • The cost of not making a change
  • What will unfold for them as a result of making that change
  •  What that’s REALLY worth to them, in dollars

Once you have all of that information, you can confidently set a fee that your
clients will gladly accept. And it will likely be much, much higher than what you’re
charging (or can even imagine charging) now.

Of course, you MUST believe in your new fee, 100%. That’s why if you want to confidently price your programs and services and earn what you deserve, you’ll also have to work on YOURSELF, too.

You’ll be amazed at how following these simple fixes will dramatically boost your confidence,  your bank account along with it, and ultimately grow your business.

Would you like to reprint this article? 
All we ask is that you use this byline:

Shameca Tankerson is Founder of Stiletto Wealth Society, a global community Dedicated to Empowering Women Entrepreneurs with Bold Breakthrough Business Strategies to Uncover their Flow Factor™, Gain Confidence they can Cash In,  and leverage it to Create an Amazing Life and Business.

She is passionate about empowering women who find themselves playing small and are deeply and secretly scared of showing up as POWERFULDYNAMIC,  and CONFIDENT to courageously own “who they be” and leverage it!

3 Things You Must Include In Your Story To Get More Paying Clients

I love a good story.  In fact, I’d go as far as to say everyone loves a good story Right!  We love to here stories of the hero and the heroin, triumph and perseverance. Most of all people love to hear stories that they can relate to… Stories that  give them hope that their struggles will be over soon.



People like to buy from those they like, know, trust, and believe can solve their problem. As an entrepreneur you no doubt have a powerful story to tell and one foolproof way to get people to know,

like, trust, and believe you can solve their problem, is to tell them your story.


You want people to understand that you know what they are going through because you’ve been there, done that, and have the T-shirt to prove it! When client feel like you “get it” and “get them”, you will get their business.


People like to know that an everyday ordinary person just like them figured out the “magic little secret” that will lead to the biggest breakthrough they’ve ever experienced in their lives.


I’m glad you asked!

You use your “Why Story”.  When its all said and done, the goal is to get “me, too’s” from your prospects.  And most of all you want them to say, “if she’s just like me and she used to struggle with what I struggle with no and she turned it around, then I know she can help me turn my situation around too!”


Craft your why story with these 3 components:

1.  Your Robert Frost Moment –  In his poem, The Road Less Traveled, Frost discusses a crossroads.  At some point in our lives, most of us have found ourselves at a similar crossroads. Usually the choice we make at this crossroad becomes a defining moment in our lives and businesses.

  • What is that moment for you?
  • How did you recognize it?
  • How did you decide which way to go?
  • What happened that made you take the first step toward change?
  • How does that moment apply or relate to those you are sharing it with today?

2.  Your Sam Cooke Moment – Same Cooke sings that classic song, Change Gone Come.  Its all about recognizing the moment that you connected with the changes you’ve made in such a way that you took consistent inspired action in a new direction of the road less traveled.

  • What was it that created the need for change?
  • What compelled you to follow the steps it would take to complete the cycle of change?
  • How can you relate the work that you do now to that important change?
  • What where the steps you followed that produced the results that you enjoy today?
  • How will those steps help others?

3. Your Harriet Tubman Moment – When you arrived to the other side (solving your own problem), why did you decide to go back and help others? Once we get a taste of freedom, we desire to help others experience it as well. Your desire is the same as Harriet Tubman’s toward the slaves, to free as many people (your ideal clients) as possible.

  • When did that moment happen for you in your business
  • How did you know it was time to tell others?
  • Did you develop the steps you took into a unique solution system?
  • Did you test your theory and get some success stories?

When you include these 3 elements in your “Why Story” , you will produce an authentic and compelling reason why you are the expert you claim to be.  And when you couple that with an incredible follow up strategy you will add more ideal clients to your sales funnel and ultimately more clients to your business.






Would you like to reprint this article? 

All we ask is that you use this byline:

Shameca Tankerson is Founder of Stiletto Wealth Society, a global community of women Dedicated to Empowering Women Entrepreneurs To Boldly Define. Own. Honor. Unleash. and Leverage Their Intrinsic  Worth Into a Business That Leaves an Undeniable Imprint on the Earth.

She is passionate about empowering women who find themselves playing small and deeply (secretly) scared of showing up as the POWERFULDYNAMICCONFIDENT women they are to define their worth and leverage it.

Confidence Is The New Currency!!!

Forget What You’ve Heard Confidence Is The New Currency.confidence

Don’t believe me?  Where do your eyes stop when you walk into a networking event scanning the room to determine who you should meet?

I’ll tell you…

They stop at the person who “owns the room:” who’s confidence is oozing out and catching your attention immediately. Confidence is no doubt the first thing we identify in a person or company.  Its also what gives us the courage to buy what it is they are selling.

Confidence is one of your most important attributes as an entrepreneur. It’s the key to getting noticed and creating relationships that advance your business and life.

Go ahead Ask me… Shameca, How do I become confident?

In my opinion, the first step is knowing we are all born with confidence. Not until life started happening to you did you become fearful of expressing all of you God inspired gifts and talents.  To course correct, you’ve just gotta find your way back to the confident version of yourself.

Just like prosperity and abundance, displaying confidence is your birthright. So, if you’ve lost your way, I have a few tips for you, and if they fit your personality…ROCK them, because you deserve to build a life and business that brings you joy!


Here are 6 Ways to Boost Your Confidence and Achieve Life and Business Success

  1. Focus on you natural strengths and use them daily.  Each of us has strengths; natural gifts, talents, and abilities; And we were born with them. You know… It’s those things that you do naturally or instinctively,  Its those deep-seated, intrinsic things that you do well and get praised for.  Yep, those are your strengths! Your goal, is to begin using them each and every day. Spend as much time as you possibly can doing what you excel at instead of spending time on those things that you do okay. This will position you as an expert AND build your confidence.
  2. Shift Your Mindset.  Its a known fact that you get what you focus on and you get what you expect. Expect that things are set up to work on your behalf.  When you begin to focus on what you expect instead of what you are experiencing, your confidence in those areas will soar.
  3. Keep The Things That Boost Your Confidence and Illustrate Your Value Close To You. My favorite way to do this is my “Self Worth Journal”.  It list what i’ve accomplished in my life.  It shares the story behind my confidence.  So, when i’m having a moment of self doubt or feeling like i’m not enough yet, (yes, it happens once in a while) i can reflect on all I have accomplished.
  4. Fill Your Self Worth Bank.  One of my favorite things to suggest that my students and clients to do is spend a few minutes when they wake in the morning and before going to bed.  Get in front of a mirror and tell yourself 3 things you love about you. This will boost and reinforce all that is amazing about you and position you to be ready to confidently take on the task and assignments that will get you closer to your objectives and goals.
  5. Build Your “Defy Impossible” List.  You know… those things that you thought were going to be so hard but turned out to be a piece of cake.  Write them down. For instance, one of mine was losing weight and getting healthier.  I thought I’d never weigh less than 200 lbs ever again in my adult life. It use to be impossible but with food,  strength and endurance training, I did it!   And  accomplishing that task boosted my confidence.  Woot! Woot!
  6. Get and Play Your Theme Song Before Meetings.  Now music is  one of my secret weapons.  What I love about music is it immediately shifts energy and positions us to take confident steps toward our goals.  So get a theme song and play it daily or as many times a day as you need to keep your confidence high!

So… Talk to me!  These are my tips but I want to here from you…

  • How do you keep your confidence high?
  • What do you do when you’re feeling unsure?
  • How do you position yourself to be your best at all time?






Would you like to reprint this article? 
All we ask is that you use this byline:

Shameca Tankerson is Founder of Stiletto Wealth Society, a global community Dedicated to Empowering Women Entrepreneurs To  Get Bold and use Breakthrough Business Strategies to Uncover their Flow Factor™, Gain Confidence they can Cash In,  and leverage it to Build an Amazing Life and Business.

She is passionate about empowering women who find themselves playing small and are deeply and secretly scared of showing up as POWERFULDYNAMIC,  and CONFIDENT to courageously own “who they be” and leverage it!

3 Reasons To Play Bigger In Your Business By Using Your Strengths

I’ve been busy working on a program to help you understand how to become wealthdynamics famousbetter money makers in your business based on your strengths.

Too often, we try to build our businesses using our weaknesses which then breeds resentment, anger, worry, doubt, frustration and shame. All this drama keeps us stuck and operating at a level that’s beneath us.

That’s why it’s so important to align with the gifts that God has given to you. This includes how you make money.

Here are 3 reasons why it’s so important to focus your energy on making money using your God Inspired gifts, talents, and  natural strengths.

1. We start making more money

When we start to appreciate what we’re good at and stop focusing on what we’re terrible at, money looks different. We begin to see money as what it is – just paper – and can better embrace our role as money creators.

2. We are more confident 

Making money in business  involves marketing, sales, accounting, fulfillment, customer service, and technology. That’s a lot to do. When we focus on the area we’re good, we are freed up to hire the right people and implement the right processes to help us in the areas we’re weak.

You don’t ignore your weaknesses – you just boldly choose to stop trying to fix it and use your energy on the parts of your business  you’re really good at.

3. We find our F.L.O.W. Factor™

Discovering, monetizing, and leveraging  the worth of your gifts will give you the confidence of  Knowing that you can excel as a business owner,  releasing the chains holding you back and turning your disappointments and mistakes, into tangible wealth.

You begin to see that there’s nothing wrong with you – you simply need to adapt your business model to mirror your natural strengths.


Grab a pen and paper.  Now, Think back over your entire life. Write down what you have consistently been great at, as well as past skills you were recognized
for and what you did really well as a child – – especially the things
that were considered odd, unusual or that you were scolded for.

Here are some questions to get your started….

1.  What did you love to do as a kid

2.  What did you do well growing up that seemed unusual or unique?

3.  What comes so easily to you, just like breathing?

4.  What are you doing when others tell you it is a pleasure to watch you working?






Would you like to reprint this article? 
All we ask is that you use this byline:

Shameca Tankerson is Founder of Stiletto Wealth Society, a global community of women Dedicated to Empowering Women Entrepreneurs To Boldly Step Into Their God Inspired Purpose, Courageously Expand Their Wealth, and Discover & Leverage Their Intrinsic Worth in a way that Leaves an Undeniable Imprint on the Earth.

She is passionate about empowering women who find themselves playing small and deeply (secretly) scared of showing up as the POWERFULDYNAMICCONFIDENT women they are.


Use Your God Inspired Gifts To Unleash Financial F.L.O.W

Here’s the simple truth – God has assigned a portion of His abundance to you. You can tap into God’s sufficiency by using your natural strengths – and not your weaknesses – to increase your income, impact, and influence.

But you can’t do so with the same thinking that created the money drama you’re in today. So, how do you make a significant shift in what you do, how you think and what you say so you can Unleash Financial F.L.O.W. in your life and business?

The fastest way for you to find your F.L.O.W.  as an entrepreneur is to focus on your strengths.

Successful entrepreneurs focus only where they are strong and unsuccessful entrepreneurs try and do it all themselves.

Stop ‘Trying’ so hard…

“If you are doing anything that feels like hard work, you are already doing the wrong thing”

Creating an amazing business isn’t about fighting yourself and trying to suppress your natural behavior. If that were true, the wealthiest people on the planet would have quit when they first became millionaires rather than still playing the game their whole life.

The real trick is to maximize your natural strengths, talents, and gifts. That way you will always have the energy and the drive to stick through the challenges (and EVERY business building strategy throws up challenges that are designed to weed out the people who are just chasing the money).

Take Action….


STEP 1 – Find Your Gift…  Discover your true worth and God inspired purpose, the mess in your message, your unique brilliance, & ideal client ( your Flow Factor™) and brand it.

STEP 2 –  Let Go … Eliminate the Beliefs, Obstacles, Lies,  and Doubts  that are placing limits on your income, release emotional baggage around past mistakes & decisions,  and break free of behaviors and habits that sabotage financial success.

STEP 3 –  Own It … Get Bold!  Position yourself as the authority and the only obvious solution to your client’s problem. Engage in activities that Increase your confidence and eliminate the fear that’s holding you back so you can benefit from your Flow Factor™,  cash in on your confidence and shift the way you grow your business.

STEP 4 –  Work It ….  Leverage your Flow Factor™. Transform you God inspired gifts, talents, and strengths into Powerful new ways to package, price,  and position your services so you can make more money with less effort.






Would you like to reprint this article? 

All we ask is that you use this byline:

Shameca Tankerson is Founder of Stiletto Wealth Society, a global community Dedicated to Empowering Women Entrepreneurs To  Get Bold and use Breakthrough Business Strategies to Uncover their Flow Factor™, Gain Confidence they can Cash In,  and leverage it to Build an Amazing Life and Business.

She is passionate about empowering women who find themselves playing small and are deeply and secretly scared of showing up as POWERFULDYNAMIC,  and CONFIDENT to courageously own “who they be” and leverage it!

3 Essentials for Managing Your Money

If budgeting and preparing expense sheets sound like tasks only an accountant would do, think again. Keeping track of your personal finances – even if you have an accountant – is important to your financial future.

It not only gives you a keen awareness of your money situation, but also increases your chances of making smart spending and investment decisions.

Following these crucial tips will help you create a secure financial future for you and your family.


Spend Less Than You Earn

DUH…RIGHT? Although this tip sounds straightforward, you may sometimes find it daunting to actually put it into practice. However, reevaluating where you’re spending money can really help you to live within your means. and help you live within your means.

Ÿ This is one of the first places we start with members of Stiletto Wealth Societies Money Talk Group.  I help members find their necessity number.  This important first step will help you determine the current state of your personal finances.


Make Your Money Work For You

This can be as simple as taking advantage of the compound interest offered by most savings accounts.

Making sound investments can help increase your annual income over 5%. You don’t need to invest aggressively to get this kind of return, either. Ask friends and family for referrals to trustworthy brokers to help you get started.


Protect Your Money

You MUST  have a plan to protect your assets in case something unforeseen happens. There’s nothing worse than working hard for your money and then losing it due to poor planning.

Ÿ  Beware of any instant growth opportunities or investment clubs that promise overnight fortunes. These may include seminars with “self-made millionaires” that pressure you into signing up with a program that might not be a legitimate source of income. Take the time to research investment opportunities before you commit your money to them.


Knowing how to manage your money is a fundamental aspect of any successful long-term personal Financial Strategy.



1.  Make a commitment to go on a healthy financial journey

2. Grab a Pen and your calendar.  

2. Make a money date with yourself  right now.  

3.  Use last month’s bank statements and  bills to determine your necessity number.


If you take just a small amount of time to analyze your spending habits, you may surprise yourself with how much money you can save! You can then invest these savings in a way that will help you see returns year after year.





Stiletto Wealth Money Talk Meets Every 4th Thursday in the Evening!

$1000 A Day??? How Dare You!!! Really??

Hey Love,

FACT :: Prosperity favors the bold. But being bold can be completely terrifying.
AND :: The outcome can be undeniably, irresistibly sweet!
Let me Love on you and give you a quick word of encouragement::
A How Dare You??? Who Do YOU think you are?? Steppin’ Out In Your New Stilettos – Move of brilliance!
In a series of gorgeous swoops (some tiny and some gigantic) you can get rid of the smaller packages that aren’t making you much cash – and wasting your time + energy – put your creativity up on a pedestal, and raise your day rate to $1,000.

Yep. ONE. THOUSAND. DOLLARS. A DAY.      – That’s $1,000.00 per day!!

It may take some sweat and some tears.

(yes:: you my cry with relief, joy and umm, yes, fear.)

But you’ve got to get big-girl bold and raise those rates!  I did and now I’ve even got a waiting-list.

You can do that for your business, you know.

“Oh girl, how DARE she!”

How DARE I, indeed.

Because…I’m worth it? Eh. Sure. So are other (cheaper) folks.
Because…I’m booked 2 months in advance? Maybe. Getting closer.
Because…I’m offering a ferociously swift income acceleration service that no one else in the world can provide, in precisely the way that I swing it? Possibly. Better.
Because…having persuasive, memorable & inspiring programs, products, and services to monetize your life’s learning is worth thousands upon thousands of dollars, in business acceleration & personal clarity? Uh-huh. Sooo close.
Because…when my clients invest $1,000 to spend a day with me, we both show up FULLY — and the result is a creative crystal clear glitter-bomb that’s bigger & more meaningful that either one of us could imagine?BINGO.

Now, I’m not suggesting that people inherently have to pay major bucks to revel in the positive side-effects of deep commitment.

But something fascinating happens when you charge “how DARE you!” rates for your time…

You raise the brilliance barometer — for yourself.
You RISE to your own self-declared pricetag.
You make Darn sure that you’re worth it — that you’re giving everything you’ve got, every time.
And your clients ELEVATE to meet you, there.

To put it down sharply…

How DARE you command breathtaking rates for your time?

For your book learnin’, street learnin’ & synthesized wisdom? For your DNA-inscribed gifts? For the opportunity to experience the summit of your capacity to serve, to inspire, to create, to transform — lives, businesses, communities, societies, the planet? For the skills that people are literally falling in line to get a dose of? For your LIFE’s WORK?

How DARE you…not.

Oh, yes you can. Choose it now.

Stick with me, sweetie. I’ll get you there.

Self + Love + Business

Where does it come from? 

Luscious Dark Chocolate squares waiting on my kitchen counter and a cup of hot tea with just enough sweetener—and all for me + an unexpected compliment…from myself + blue sky over Cali after days of smog + free parking on a busy downtown street + a chance to help someone else uncover their self :: love :: business + their entrepreneurial movement + getting paid for my talent— now that’s hot!

I wasted years of my life ignoring the delicious, self-satisfying reward of self :: love :: business.

I traded my potential for transactions laced with cash—and only cash. I caught glimpses of something more—helping a friend revamp her life with deep conversations, witnessing other people boast deliciously about their new careers and foreign travel—but the elusive happiness I bumped into always slipped away too soon, and I would go back to fighting for breath in my anemic life.

I blamed the rain, my past, my sucky-suck relationships, the stock market, and anything else that crossed my path of chronic, unending self-pity. Ouch.

What I realize now is that it’s not about what I don’t have.  It’s not about what I don’t own. And it has nothing to do with what I don’t know. It’s about what I can give my self :: love :: business.  I deeply believe it’s about…    

honoring :: your gifts. radically

trading :: status quo :: for sanity

serving yourself :: seconds :: of what you love

making self :: love :: business a priority

It comes from working hard at what you love + taking time to enjoy the rewards + feeling playful and empowered + accepting the limits of your heart  + reaching out and looking inward + celebrating Monday (not just Friday) …and expressing your self :: love :: business daily—not just the one day out of the year when it’s socially acceptable.

Take Action!

What can you do today to express you self :: Love :: Business?